Name: Sailor Star Gemini Full Formal Name: Sousei Kuro and Shiro Meaning: Black and White Twins Goes By: Kuro and Shiro Age: 18 Home.Planet: Unknown Birthdate: Not told Sign: Gemini Blood.Type: O Hair: Kuro’s hair is silver while Shiro’s is golden Hairstyle: Both have their hair down to their ankles and in ponytails, but they aren’t tied off until about 2 inches from the bottom. Eyes: Kuro’s are ice blue and Shiro’s are ice green Height: 5’4’’ Skin Tone: Fair Race: Unknown Siblings: None but each other Favourite.Colour(s): Blue and Green Least.Favourite.Colour(s): Red as in blood Favourite.Subject(s): Art Least.Favourite.Subject(s): Math Best.Friend(s): Each other and Karen Dream: To become major painters Fear: To lose the other in battle Strong Point: Weakness: Both can have major tempers Power of Influence- The Mind ~APPEARANCE~ They usually are found wearing almost the exact same clothes. They will wear the same type of clothes, usually rugby shirts, but they will always be different colors. Kuro will wear them with skirts while Shiro will only wear pants. ~PERSONALITY~ For twins, Kuro and Shiro are exactly a like in everything they do. They are soft spoken but very energetic. They love playing sports and going to the mall together. They are usually quite sweet, but they can go off the deep end. ~BIOGRAPHY~ When Kuro and Shiro where younger, their ability to her people’s thoughts started and was out of control. They would wake up screaming at night hearing them. Sometimes they were too much that it was all the girls could hear. It drove Kuro into a coma and Shiro into depression. They soon gain control of this power and become regular teenagers again. In their spare time they love to paint. Some of their pictures have actually been bought by famous collectors, which has boosted their dreams of becoming well known painters. ~WEAPONS~ Gemini Force- Their gloves can morph into steel, giving them an advantage when fighting. ~TRANSFORMATION~ Star Gemini Make Up- They stand next to each other and hold hands. Their clothes just disappear and the starts to glow green in color. Behind them turns a dark blue as streams of pictures of people fly past them. From beneath them, streams of green and blue ribbons flow up around them. They then step out from them fully transformed with a green glowing sign of Gemini behind them. ~UNIFORM~ Skirt: Transparent green Body Suit: Pale blue with two slits, one on the right side of the stomach area and the other a little higher on the left side. Collar: Transparent green Boots: Green sandals that tie up to the knees Gloves: Green and wrist length with a silver band of metal around it, holding it to her wrist. Tiara: 2’’ band of silver Choker: Iridescent white Bows: None Locket: Green sign for Gemini ~ATTACKS AND ABILITIES~ Gemini’s abilities are the only ones found in the Star Scouts. They have the ability to hear thoughts and control minds at will. Kuro’s attacks: "Ego Crush"--This power affects the target's mind, making them feel inferior and thus weakening them for other attacks. "Psychic Scream"--With this ability, every opponent's mind within 30 feet of Gemini becomes scrambled, making it near impossible to think clearly (in laymen's terms, they cannot use special abilities, and it is hard for them to attack normally). "Subversion"--With subtle nudges of the mind, Gemini is able to subvert one opponent's will to make it fight for her. She can only control one opponent at a time, and she cannot make it kill itself blatantly (like with its' own weapon, for instance). Shiro’s attacks: "Mental Uproar"--With this attack, the target becomes confused, attacking anything and everything that is available--even its' own allies! "Synaptic Static"--This attack makes every synapse in the opponent's brain activate at once, overloading it and causing the opponent to be stunned for a few moments. "Psychic Fear"--This attack creates the illusion of the most feared thing of the opponent (i.e. spiders, clowns, anything that makes it unbearably frightened), but only in its' mind. Anyone else looking would see nothing. This attack is meant to frighten someone into shock, giving the heroes the temporary advantage, although it HAS been known to kill weaker enemies by itself. ~Both~ “Gemini Confusion”--They stand back to back and point their arms out at their opponent. The sign of Gemini appears glowing at their finger tips. They blast it out toward the enemy. If this attack works, which means hitting them in the head, it will daze their opponent into confusion and slowly drain their energy. This attack can be highly damaging and very stressful on the minds of the twins. “Neo Star Gemini Arise!”